Tag Archives: surgery


Pet of the Month. January 2017.


Our Pet of the Month for January 2017 is the incredibly lucky Kino, a beautiful long haired ginger cat. He was originally bought into the Hounslow branch of Young Vet’s in October 2016 with a sore leg, under further investigation, X-rays revealed an air gun pellet lodged in his front paw. The pellet was removed and the wound was cleaned and stitched. Whilst under anaesthetic a complete body X- ray was taken of Kino and another pellet was found from a previous incident, this one was lodged in his abdomen. Luckily it had missed all of Kino’s vital organs and it was decided by head vet Matthew Wilson to leave this pellet as the wound had completely healed and was causing Kino no pain or distress. Fast Forward to January 2017 Kino was back visiting Young Veterinary Partnership for another mysterious injury this time to a hind leg. Following investigation from veterinary surgeon Frankie Sanders Hewitt, Kino was found to have new fragments from another pointed air gun pellet, which had broken 2 of his toes and required further surgery to remove these. Kino is back at home recovering with his owners, visiting us regularly for bandage changes and to check the wound is healing without infection.


Get well soon Kino. All the team wish you a speedy recovery!









Pet of the Month – October

Our Pet of the Month for October is an incredibly lucky little cat called Skitz. He was brought in to the vets as emergency after been attacked by an animal. On arrival there was evidence of an injury to the right fore limb as it was swollen. He was put on intravenous fluids for the shock of the attack.

Once he was more stable he was sedated to take x-rays of the injured leg. X-rays showed that there was a complete fracture of the right radius and fracture of the ulna. A survey x-ray was also taken to check there were no internal injuries. Skitz was also showing possible nerve damage to the back legs from a crushing injury but after a couple days he regained nerve function.

It was decided that the best treatment for Skitz was to wait for the swelling to go down before we could operate on the broken leg. So after several days Mr Young repaired the fractures by placing pins inside the fractured pieces of bones to hold them together. The pins are held in place by an external fixator cement bar to ensure the bones will heal in the correct position. This type of fracture repair allows all his weight to go through the bar whilst the bones heal.

Skitz treatment was complicated further by the fact that he had an over-active thyroid , which can affect bone healing, so Skitz had his thyroid glands  surgically removed at the same time as his fracture repair.


Skitz needed a few days after surgery to recover in the hospital, when he was  encouraged at least once a day to go for a walk to use the leg.