Our Pet of the Month for January 2017 is the incredibly lucky Kino, a beautiful long haired ginger cat. He was originally bought into the Hounslow branch of Young Vet’s in October 2016 with a sore leg, under further investigation, X-rays revealed an air gun pellet lodged in his front paw. The pellet wasRead More
Click HERE to read our winter newsletter for 2016. It includes information on how to avoid Christmas calamities, why fleas are still around in winter and how great guinea pigs are!
Most people with cats have ordinary ‘ moggies ‘ or domestic short haired cats to give them their full name. However if you are looking for a pedigree cat you may want to do a bit of research before making a choice. Pedigree breeds have different personalities, varying activity levels, and there can be aRead More
Tick borne diseases At the present time, the risk of your pet picking up any disease from ticks in the London area is still low. Lyme disease can be spread to pets and people from ticks, but we have not seen any cases of pets picking up this disease whilst living in the London areaRead More
From April 6th 2016 all dogs must be microchipped and registered on a commercial database, by 8 weeks of age. Further if a dog’s ownership is transferrred, the owner has a further duty to register the microchip with the new owner. Although there is no requirement in law at the present time, we alsoRead More
Why do cats urinate or toilet outside of their litter tray? A common misconception is that cats may be punishing you as their owner, for leaving them alone for too long. Cats do not do this, there will always be another reason. Medical Problems Cystitis causes an increased urgency, but normally withRead More
Many people will know how difficult and stressful it can be sometimes to get your cat into a basket. So is it a good idea to bring your basket out the night before a visit to the vets to “get your cat used to it”. The answer is a definite NO. This will probablyRead More