Tinsel, String and Turkey Bones!

Tinsel, String and Turkey Bones!


Tinsel, String and Turkey Bones!

Pieces of string, tinsel and bones from your festive dinner should be kept well out of reach from your pet to avoid an intestinal blockage and possible need for life saving surgery. Baubles and lights, if broken and ingested, will cause serious damage to your pet. Our Winter Blog takes a closer look at the toxins and hazards to be aware of at this time of year.




Arthritis is commonly first diagnosed in older patients during the winter months. This isn’t because the disease first strikes during this period, our Winter Blog explains why the signs of arthritis are more obvious in winter. It is important to remember that arthritis cannot be cured but there are ways to make an arthritic pet more comfortable.



Permethrin spot – ons;

Many pet owners have both cats and dogs, but did you know that sharing their flea treatment could be toxic to your cat! Many canine spot – on flea products from supermarkets and pet shops contain permethrins. Whilst generally safe for dogs, they should NEVER EVER be applied to cats, since they are extremely toxic to cats. Our Winter News Blog takes a look at some of the most common pet hazards around at this time of year.



Our Winter Blog also includes; Winter birds, how to help them during the coldest months of the year. Can you pinch an inch on your pet? Has your pet gained some extra lockdown pounds, understand how to tell visually if your pet has gained weight and, most importantly, how to help them loose it.

We hope you enjoy reading our Winter News Blog, if you have a question on any of the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to get in contact with our friendly team.

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